I have found a way of approaching our separation and divorce that I think is worth considering. We can have a meeting with a collaborative professional who can speak to us about our situation, free of charge. I really think this could be beneficial for us, so could you please have a look at the information below, and then click on the ‘Yes, I am interested’ or the ‘No Thank you’ button at the end of this email. If you would like to consider this option, someone will be in touch to set up an information session with us both.
Breaking Up Together is a way to resolve our differences and disputes and make decisions mutually, respectfully and amicably without going to court. It’s not a form of counselling or mediation – rather it’s a way of helping us work out things together in our separation and divorce. It involves us both appointing collaboratively trained professionals, including lawyers, to assist us in coming to a mutual understanding. We sign a Participation Agreement up front confirming that we won’t take the matter to court, and that we are committed to reaching an agreement together. We both have our own lawyers and may also have a counsellor and financial expert helping us in these meetings. It’s all done face to face; no hiding behind lawyers’ letters or waiting for a response from each other’s lawyer.
Once the ground rules have been set, the collaborative process starts. We are supported by our collaborative team members who are present at all of our discussions and negotiations. The tone of these meetings is open, honest and constructive as we work toward mutually acceptable decisions together.
I think it sounds like a process that could work for us, and there seems to be no harm in us going to an information session with a trained professional to find out more. It will only take 30 minutes and it is at no cost to either of us.
Who it works well for:
If we have some common ground and we are willing to be guided through the separation process by skilled and experienced professionals, then Breaking Up Together could just turn a potential legal battle into a respectful separation.
It distresses me to think that a judge, and not us, could ultimately decide who cares for our children and how our assets are to be split up. I also like the idea that we would each have a highly skilled lawyer on our side who is encouraging us to reach agreements together rather than fight to the bitter end.
Your ex-partner has sent you this invitation because they believe that Breaking Up Together might be the right process for your current situation.
If you agree then the first step is for you and your ex-partner to attend a free 30 minute information session about the process with a trained collaborative professional. lawyer, counsellor or psychologist of your choice. They’ll help you decide whether discuss your options and see if the collaborative process is right for you.
Of course, both you and your ex-partner must attend the session together.
If you’d like us to set up a meeting for you, then please choose the YES, I AM INTERESTED option below and we’ll suggest some times for you and your ex-partner.
I’d like to attend an information session and find out more about Breaking Up Together
I am not interested. Please inform my partner of my decision and remove my details from your system.
If you would like to get in touch with us, or send an enquiry before accepting our invitation please visit: breakinguptogether.com.au/contact
Kind Regards,
– The Breaking Up Together team.